Friday, October 1, 2010

Hello, Nice to meet'cha !

It's a beautiful fall morning, here in Lower Alabama, this October 1st.

There is a nice nip of chilly in the air (sleeves required) and the leaves are starting to turn and fall.

The weight of mature pecans pull the limbs of the trees low, and hickory nuts are drumming on the tin roof of the porch, already.

It is , in one word, wonderful.
Could stay this way forever, as far as I am concerned.

I've attempted to do this before (BLOG) without much success, but now, that I am offically retired, maybe I'll be more attentive to it.

I "journal" the old fashioned way (pen to paper) most everyday anyway, so (if I can establish a habit) maybe I'll be better at it.
We'll see...

I'm naming this blog "Back on a Red Dirt Road" because it's where I come from and where, it seems I will end too.

Loved it as a child, hated it as an adolescent, was neutral about it as an adult, and now, in the autumn of my life, I've come Full Circle, back to it, and the love for it as well.

Very BLESSED in this little corner of the world. Hope you are in yours.

Till next time....

1 comment:

  1. Sandy, I hope you stick with this. I would love to read your thoughts about life. Love & Hugs, Susan
