Monday, October 4, 2010

Daddy Days

Just came in from outside. Down right chilly out there this morning. First thing that came to mind, as I scouted out the sky, was, "It's gonna be a Daddy Day."
Lost my Dad, eleven years ago, even though it still seems like it was just yesterday, most of the time. Lost Momma in 72, and sometimes even that seems like it just happened.
I know I miss em. As much, if not more,with each year that passes.
But... back to Daddy Day's...see, with would be shopping...and to be fair...if she had lived longer, there would have been MUCH more, I'm sure...but, as things stand...that's what I "know" !
But, with Daddy...heh heh...even now, I giggle in anticipation of what a DADDY DAY might bring...because it was always an adventure !
I have Daddy Day memories from 5 to 45 !
So many...
He'd pull up in that ole truck of his, come in, grab a cup of coffee, and tell me to "Get some britches on."
Off we would go....
I might not be able to show you everyone of them now, but I promise you, I have been down every South Alabama and South Mississippi pigtrail that exist's...and, even a few we carved out ourselves !
He loved nothing more that to get out and ride or walk the woods.
We'd stop at the local pac-a-sac...stock up on vienna sausages, sardines and crackers...RC Cola's and peanuts. Bury those drinks in the ice cooler he kept on the back of the truck, and take off... I don't think he ever had a clue about where he was going....think he just followed his nose, which always seemed to get him to the woods.
We'd ride with the window's fall air blowin' our hair...well, MY hair anyway...Daddy should have owned stock in BrylCream...because he was a true believer in it. I'm tellin' you...KATRINA wouldn't have moved that man's hair !
Anyway...we'd ride and talk...mostly he would talk, and I just listened...waiting for the next story he'd tell.
Some of them I heard over and over again, but sometimes, there would be a new one...a GREAT one...THOSE were what I waited for...Oh, MAN...He had some stories !
He might not remember where he laid his glasses down fifteen minutes ago, but he could remember those 70 year old stories like *that*...even older ones...stories HE grew up hearing.
I just sat there, with the sun on my face and the wind in my hair, and the smell of his cigar floating around the cab of the truck... listening and breathing and soaking it all up like a sponge.
We'd get back in the woods, find some ole stump to sit on, and have lunch ...just he and I and Mother Nature.
He always said, the woods was his Church...where he felt the closest to God.
I must say, I agree with him.
There have been days, since he died...
Days like today, when you first go outside, and feel the pull of the woods...and a strong craving for vienna sausages, sardines and crackers...RC Cola's and peanuts... and,the smell of a good cigar...the definate need for a Daddy Day !
Think I just might have to take one...

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