Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 13 !

Other than the fact that it puts me that much closer to sixty, I will not be sad to see you go !
13, you have NOT been kind...
You took my sister in April, and left me the only surviving member of the immediate family that I grew up with, and I can't describe how weird that feels. I miss Momma, Daddy and Susie, as much today (if not more) as ever. I still reach for the phone to call Susie and share a cup of coffee with her in the mornings...I have short term memory loss, and sometimes I forget. The WHAM that comes with remembering, still knocks the breath out of me.
Then you took Regina, and I was like...OK, That's ENOUGH !
We knew each other only a few years, and maybe talked once a week, maybe every two weeks, and had lunch once in a while, but I miss those talks, and those times. Such a wonderful, dear person...our lives are lessened without her. Without both of them.
I am grateful that you took both of them, BAM !
Just like *THAT*though.
They did not suffer, and if I have to let them go,and if I am honest, having seen the suffering that I have seen in all those years of Nursing,  I am glad it was that way.
They say, it comes in three's, and I guess that's true, because it seems you were not content, with Susie & Regina...You also had to take Chris and Melonie. Both, in the prime of their youth...so much life left to live...I don't understand why, but I am not supposed to, I guess.
I just know, it hurts, and life has changed for so many who love them and miss them.
There has been pain and loss in 13, but we go on...and I continue to be grateful for the MANY Blessings in my life. Sunrises and sunsets that bowl me over, defeating MS, by remaining vertical and moving. Family and friends, new and old, two legged and 4 legged,  who are my reason for that !  Having *Enough* !
So, it's been rough, and it's been pretty good too, but I am optimistic about 14.
I have a good feeling about it.
I hope you do too.
Happy New Year & God Bless !

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

First Blogged Book Review

Hi y'all,
I have not made a blog post in quite some time.
It's rare that I sit in front of this box that long anymore, I usually just play on my phone.
I have done some book review's on Amazon, and rated and shared good (and not so good) books on Goodreads in the past, but I have never, until now, been so enamored with a book, that I thought to blog about it.
This book changed that. (Thank you, Star)
The Last Supper Catering Company, by Michaelene McElRoy.
The most excellent book I have read this year, or last year, for that matter.
In fact, it sits right up there with... To Kill a Mockingbird...The Hobbit....& Big Fish - A Novel of Mythic Proportion's, and maybe, right beside Mockingbird !
The story of the journey of B. Thankful, and a cast of other quirky, wonderful character's, in a setting that will make you laugh, cry, lose your breath over passage's that are so profound, you absolutely have to put the book down, to gulp air!
I think this book should be mandatory reading for the world !
Simply, amazing....go read it NOW !!!
You'll be SO glad you did !