Goodbye 13 !
Other than the fact that it puts me that much closer to sixty, I will not be sad to see you go !
13, you have NOT been kind...
You took my sister in April, and left me the only surviving member of the immediate family that I grew up with, and I can't describe how weird that feels. I miss Momma, Daddy and Susie, as much today (if not more) as ever. I still reach for the phone to call Susie and share a cup of coffee with her in the mornings...I have short term memory loss, and sometimes I forget. The WHAM that comes with remembering, still knocks the breath out of me.
Then you took Regina, and I was like...OK, That's ENOUGH !
We knew each other only a few years, and maybe talked once a week, maybe every two weeks, and had lunch once in a while, but I miss those talks, and those times. Such a wonderful, dear person...our lives are lessened without her. Without both of them.
I am grateful that you took both of them, BAM !
Just like *THAT*though.
They did not suffer, and if I have to let them go,and if I am honest, having seen the suffering that I have seen in all those years of Nursing, I am glad it was that way.
They say, it comes in three's, and I guess that's true, because it seems you were not content, with Susie & Regina...You also had to take Chris and Melonie. Both, in the prime of their much life left to live...I don't understand why, but I am not supposed to, I guess.
I just know, it hurts, and life has changed for so many who love them and miss them.
There has been pain and loss in 13, but we go on...and I continue to be grateful for the MANY Blessings in my life. Sunrises and sunsets that bowl me over, defeating MS, by remaining vertical and moving. Family and friends, new and old, two legged and 4 legged, who are my reason for that ! Having *Enough* !
So, it's been rough, and it's been pretty good too, but I am optimistic about 14.
I have a good feeling about it.
I hope you do too.
Happy New Year & God Bless !
Back on a Red Dirt Road
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
First Blogged Book Review
Hi y'all,
I have not made a blog post in quite some time.
It's rare that I sit in front of this box that long anymore, I usually just play on my phone.
I have done some book review's on Amazon, and rated and shared good (and not so good) books on Goodreads in the past, but I have never, until now, been so enamored with a book, that I thought to blog about it.
This book changed that. (Thank you, Star)
The Last Supper Catering Company, by Michaelene McElRoy.
The most excellent book I have read this year, or last year, for that matter.
In fact, it sits right up there with... To Kill a Mockingbird...The Hobbit....& Big Fish - A Novel of Mythic Proportion's, and maybe, right beside Mockingbird !
The story of the journey of B. Thankful, and a cast of other quirky, wonderful character's, in a setting that will make you laugh, cry, lose your breath over passage's that are so profound, you absolutely have to put the book down, to gulp air!
I think this book should be mandatory reading for the world !
Simply, amazing....go read it NOW !!!
You'll be SO glad you did !
I have not made a blog post in quite some time.
It's rare that I sit in front of this box that long anymore, I usually just play on my phone.
I have done some book review's on Amazon, and rated and shared good (and not so good) books on Goodreads in the past, but I have never, until now, been so enamored with a book, that I thought to blog about it.
This book changed that. (Thank you, Star)
The Last Supper Catering Company, by Michaelene McElRoy.
The most excellent book I have read this year, or last year, for that matter.
In fact, it sits right up there with... To Kill a Mockingbird...The Hobbit....& Big Fish - A Novel of Mythic Proportion's, and maybe, right beside Mockingbird !
The story of the journey of B. Thankful, and a cast of other quirky, wonderful character's, in a setting that will make you laugh, cry, lose your breath over passage's that are so profound, you absolutely have to put the book down, to gulp air!
I think this book should be mandatory reading for the world !
Simply, amazing....go read it NOW !!!
You'll be SO glad you did !
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
My Sibes

Seven years ago, when I was still doing rescue and fostering, I got a message about two beautiful white Sibes that had been left at the Chilton County Animal Shelter. They were gorgeous, and since the shelter really didn't have any room for them, I went to get them. Left that morning headed up I-65, and got just this side of Montgomery, and realized I needed gas. Pulled into a station, and lo and behold, didn't have my wallet.
I'd left it sitting on the bar.
I scrounged $12 out of the pockets and bottom of my purse (gas was MUCH cheaper then) and went on...knowing I wasn't going to have enough gas to get there and back home.
Oh, well...cross that bridge, when I get to it.
Got to the shelter, and found the dogs.
They had closed and left for the day, but, knowing I was coming, had left the gate unlocked for me.
I went in and managed to get the female just fine, but this HUGE black dog would NOT let me get close to the male. Started a fight with him, everytime he got near me. Well, with no one there to help me get him, I had to leave him.
He did get placed in a good home in Atlanta though, so that worked out very well.
I got as far as I could get on the gas I had, and pulled into a station, and went in, and explained to the lady that I needed gas, but had no cash, or credit card, having left my wallet at home. I did however have my checkbook, and would she PLEASE take a check for my gas, so I could get home ?
She did (Thank You Lord & Lady) and I made it home with Shay.
Well, SHAY turns out, is very much pregnant !
With no information on the dogs (they'd been left chained to the fence at the shelter) we had no idea what we'd end up years ago yesterday, Shay gave birth to 5 of the most beautiful little husky pups, you ever saw ! We lost the second pup though.
I kept Kody and Kisha (who I helped deliver) and one of my dearest friends, Madeline, has Shayla and Lakota, in Gulfbreeze. Someone stole Kody from our yard, when they were about a year old (hope you are doing fine somewhere, little one) and we were left with Kisha, who is still just as fat and sassy as ever. all of them are fine, and much loved. Shay killed my parrot, BB, so I had a really hard time keeping her after that. We found her a good home with a friend of my mother in law, (who didn't have birds) though, and she lived several more years, very happy.
Rescuing and fostering has given me some of the greatest joy in my life. I write this, hoping it will inspire YOU, to do the same.
Happy Birthday Babies !
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
What's Going On ?
Hi y 'all,
Yeah, it's been a while...
Been kind of busy though, so havn't really taken the time to spout off here.
You can forgive me, or consider yourself Blessed, that I havn't...either one is fine.
We have been HOUSE hunting....trying to get moved out of MOLD HOLE HOLLER, as hard as we can.
You would not BELIEVE what a fiasco it's been either.
Warren is buying a house, since, until Tommy get's his disability, we can't afford to buy a cup of coffee !
He went to a Mortgage company, got pre-qualified, and is set to go...but, just try to find a house that doesn't have issues....It's impossible...That, or God is really watching out for us one !
( This is MY theory, anyway)
First house Warren offers on...they will not loan on, because it has a pool, and no one can confirm that the pool is in working order or, scratch that !
Then he finds a house that he really loves, and offers on it. They accept his offer, but with, they want him to use some mortgage company THEY use....( starting to smell something fishy) ??? plus, they want his agent (someone he has known for years, and is a good friend) to cut his commission... (Really starting to smell unethically ROTTEN, now) so he tells them what they can DO with their house, and we are back to square one....Then he finds this GREAT house with almost five acres, a six stall barn, a pond, and he is in horse heaven....Makes an offer, and they counter....HE counters, and they counter back...then we find out USDA will not loan on a property with a BARN....WHAT !!! USDA is a program for RURAL properties, but you can't have a BARN ??? I mean...SERIOUSLY !!!..... but the house really speaks to him, like nothing else has, and keeps nagging at him, so he goes back with an offer to go FHA, a few weeks later...THIS time, they accept his offer, but, again...with, he can't have it inspected (Y'all see that red flag too) and they will KEEP his rather large amount of ernest money, should the sale fall through, for ANY reason.... I DON'T THINK SO !
So, here we go again.....He found another one last week, really GREAT house, in his price range, and went to offer on it, but someone else beat him to it....
I mean, can you believe this ??? Anyway...we go out to the Little Horse Farm again yesterday, and discover WHY they don't want an inspection....THINK TERMITES !!!!
Warren talked to his agent about it last night, who , in turn, talked to the listing agent, and she tells him, that, they will HELP with the termite situation....Well, first he has to have it inspected, to find out how much, if any, structural damage there might, do we, or don't we ???
He REALLY wants this house, and, providing it is ok, he's getting it for an amazing price, so he's going out of pocket, and having it inspected, before he considers making another offer...It's worth the money to find out, once and for all if it's a do'able deal, or not... He'll KNOW,one way or another anyway....and, can put it out of his mind and move on, if it won't fly...but, he REALLY loves this house , and it IS amazing, so, y'all please say a ltl prayer, that it happens, and doesn't end up being a catastrophe....We REALLY need to get out of here !
I'll let you know what happens !!!
Yeah, it's been a while...
Been kind of busy though, so havn't really taken the time to spout off here.
You can forgive me, or consider yourself Blessed, that I havn't...either one is fine.
We have been HOUSE hunting....trying to get moved out of MOLD HOLE HOLLER, as hard as we can.
You would not BELIEVE what a fiasco it's been either.
Warren is buying a house, since, until Tommy get's his disability, we can't afford to buy a cup of coffee !
He went to a Mortgage company, got pre-qualified, and is set to go...but, just try to find a house that doesn't have issues....It's impossible...That, or God is really watching out for us one !
( This is MY theory, anyway)
First house Warren offers on...they will not loan on, because it has a pool, and no one can confirm that the pool is in working order or, scratch that !
Then he finds a house that he really loves, and offers on it. They accept his offer, but with, they want him to use some mortgage company THEY use....( starting to smell something fishy) ??? plus, they want his agent (someone he has known for years, and is a good friend) to cut his commission... (Really starting to smell unethically ROTTEN, now) so he tells them what they can DO with their house, and we are back to square one....Then he finds this GREAT house with almost five acres, a six stall barn, a pond, and he is in horse heaven....Makes an offer, and they counter....HE counters, and they counter back...then we find out USDA will not loan on a property with a BARN....WHAT !!! USDA is a program for RURAL properties, but you can't have a BARN ??? I mean...SERIOUSLY !!!..... but the house really speaks to him, like nothing else has, and keeps nagging at him, so he goes back with an offer to go FHA, a few weeks later...THIS time, they accept his offer, but, again...with, he can't have it inspected (Y'all see that red flag too) and they will KEEP his rather large amount of ernest money, should the sale fall through, for ANY reason.... I DON'T THINK SO !
So, here we go again.....He found another one last week, really GREAT house, in his price range, and went to offer on it, but someone else beat him to it....
I mean, can you believe this ??? Anyway...we go out to the Little Horse Farm again yesterday, and discover WHY they don't want an inspection....THINK TERMITES !!!!
Warren talked to his agent about it last night, who , in turn, talked to the listing agent, and she tells him, that, they will HELP with the termite situation....Well, first he has to have it inspected, to find out how much, if any, structural damage there might, do we, or don't we ???
He REALLY wants this house, and, providing it is ok, he's getting it for an amazing price, so he's going out of pocket, and having it inspected, before he considers making another offer...It's worth the money to find out, once and for all if it's a do'able deal, or not... He'll KNOW,one way or another anyway....and, can put it out of his mind and move on, if it won't fly...but, he REALLY loves this house , and it IS amazing, so, y'all please say a ltl prayer, that it happens, and doesn't end up being a catastrophe....We REALLY need to get out of here !
I'll let you know what happens !!!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
What I've Learned
Today I am one year older.
Youth is disappearing in my rear view mirror, faster than I can slow down.
I sat on the porch this morning, having coffee with God, and the hummers, and thought about what I'd learned in all these years.
I've learned that I am dying by millimeters, everyday...even as I am living the best that I can.
The race isn't really about WHEN you finish, though, as much as it is HOW you finish.
I've learned to walk in the woods...that the laundry will still be there waiting for me.
I've learned that my animal's are probably the only being's in my life, who truely love me unconditionally, especially since Momma and Daddy are gone.
They loved me unconditionally too...Hell, they loved me in spite of me, a lot of times.
My husband of almost 40 years, has no other choice, but to love me unconditionally now...I mean..he ain't gong anywhere, at this point, and neither am I.
My kid's come pretty close to it, but they are still learning, so I allow them the room they need to grow...they'll get there too.
I've learned that old folk's are treasure's, and the time you spend with them can be one of the greatest gift's you can give yourself (as well as them) !
I've learned that good friend's, good food, good music, and maybe some good wine, or a really good cup of coffee, makes for a really GOOD time.
It doesn't have to be expensive fact, I've learned that I'd much rather de-bra, kick off my earth shoes, and wear pant's with an elastic waist, than to dress up in heel's and frill's !
I've learned that saying I Love You is well and good, but showing "I love you" is even better, and sometimes all it cost is a smile.
I've learned that a lot of preacher's and politician's are psycho, and it isn't healthy to pay that much attention to them. It's better for your blood pressure if you don't...besides, Nut's fall off the tree eventually anyway.
I've learned that the only money you REALLY need in life is "enough".
I've learned that Life, even with all the heartache that you may experience, is really quite comical, most of the time, and that babies, and laughter and petting your animal's are the BEST high !
I've learned that I can STILL learn, and laugh when I can't...(think...SMART PHONE, here) !!
I've learned that the miracle really IS the journey....and, I'm loving this roadtrip, bumps and all....
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Missing Momma
She would have been 85 today.
She died in 1972...just 46 years old.
It takes my breath away when I think that I am now ten whole years older than she was, when she died.
I was seventeen, and WAY too full of myself...and thought my world had come to an end.
My sister and I left everything we'd ever known as "normal" and headed out for places that neither of us wanted to be.
I'm not sure we "ever" got used to it either.
Oh, we adjusted, and went on...made lives for ourselves, but there hasn't been one day in all of these 39 years, that Momma's absence has not been felt.
She never saw either one of us graduate, get married, have children...never knew the sweet smell of those newborn babies, or cuddled them close to her breast.
Never did a birthday party or a first Christmas, or watched with pride, as they hit a home run or scored a touchdown...
Never saw them graduate and start having her GREAT grandchildren.
I wish I had a nickel for every time I've said, "I wish I knew how Momma did"....(whatever)
We couldn't call her and say "Hey Momma, How do I make this baby stop crying....or, how do you make "your" gumbo...or what goes in Hungarian Gouloush ? (Took YEARS to finally figure THAT one out)
We could never go "home to Momma" when we fought with our spouse, or when we divorced them, or when we just REALLY needed to get away from them, before we killed, we had to go elsewhere...most times to each other...
I mean, don't get me wrong... Daddies have their place too, but for some things, only a Momma will do !
I sat on the porch this morning, as the sun came up, and thought about all the things I've missed with her...and, knowing it just makes me miss her more...
My heart breaks when someone loses their parent, because I know that, no matter what age we are when it happens, it creates a void that lasts forever.
Anyway, these are my thoughts today, and later I will raise a glass in Momma's honor, and send birthday greetings toward the stars...
Miss you Momma....Happy Birthday...
She died in 1972...just 46 years old.
It takes my breath away when I think that I am now ten whole years older than she was, when she died.
I was seventeen, and WAY too full of myself...and thought my world had come to an end.
My sister and I left everything we'd ever known as "normal" and headed out for places that neither of us wanted to be.
I'm not sure we "ever" got used to it either.
Oh, we adjusted, and went on...made lives for ourselves, but there hasn't been one day in all of these 39 years, that Momma's absence has not been felt.
She never saw either one of us graduate, get married, have children...never knew the sweet smell of those newborn babies, or cuddled them close to her breast.
Never did a birthday party or a first Christmas, or watched with pride, as they hit a home run or scored a touchdown...
Never saw them graduate and start having her GREAT grandchildren.
I wish I had a nickel for every time I've said, "I wish I knew how Momma did"....(whatever)
We couldn't call her and say "Hey Momma, How do I make this baby stop crying....or, how do you make "your" gumbo...or what goes in Hungarian Gouloush ? (Took YEARS to finally figure THAT one out)
We could never go "home to Momma" when we fought with our spouse, or when we divorced them, or when we just REALLY needed to get away from them, before we killed, we had to go elsewhere...most times to each other...
I mean, don't get me wrong... Daddies have their place too, but for some things, only a Momma will do !
I sat on the porch this morning, as the sun came up, and thought about all the things I've missed with her...and, knowing it just makes me miss her more...
My heart breaks when someone loses their parent, because I know that, no matter what age we are when it happens, it creates a void that lasts forever.
Anyway, these are my thoughts today, and later I will raise a glass in Momma's honor, and send birthday greetings toward the stars...
Miss you Momma....Happy Birthday...
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Here it is - in black and white
When I die, I want someone to promise me, that you will find a canary yellow 1967 Chev Malibu (with black interior) and start at one end of Beaver Dam Road,and get that car up to about 75 mph (like I used to do) and then, just let my ashes fly.
I ran that road again yesterday, for the 999th time, and it was as fabulous as the very first time. A Hyundai doesn't get it like the Malibu did, even though the road is paved now, but I gave it my best. With the windows down and the smell of Mississippi farmland blowing in my face, it came to me, that that was as close to heaven as I could get ALIVE...
The freedom of being sixteen, having no responsibility, and just looking for joy, hit me in the face as I took each curve, making me grin and holler, just as big and loud as it ever did and reminded me that, sometimes you have to take a little risk to find joy, but odds are, you'll appreciate all that much more when the risk pays off...
So, whoever ends up taking care of the business of getting me settled...THIS is how I want it done.
Wouldn't hurt my feelings at all, either, if you slide in a Mississippi Fred McDowell CD, and turn the volume up wide open too...
I ran that road again yesterday, for the 999th time, and it was as fabulous as the very first time. A Hyundai doesn't get it like the Malibu did, even though the road is paved now, but I gave it my best. With the windows down and the smell of Mississippi farmland blowing in my face, it came to me, that that was as close to heaven as I could get ALIVE...
The freedom of being sixteen, having no responsibility, and just looking for joy, hit me in the face as I took each curve, making me grin and holler, just as big and loud as it ever did and reminded me that, sometimes you have to take a little risk to find joy, but odds are, you'll appreciate all that much more when the risk pays off...
So, whoever ends up taking care of the business of getting me settled...THIS is how I want it done.
Wouldn't hurt my feelings at all, either, if you slide in a Mississippi Fred McDowell CD, and turn the volume up wide open too...
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